- Most of my doors have been in three neighborhoods: Logan, a predominantly minority neighborhood in south Concord, off Poplar Tent near Frye's bowling lanes, and the Lenmore neighborhood off Corban street on the other side of 73 from Concord. Also, one apartment block and a couple of houses off Winecoff School Road. Logan is lower income, Poplar Tent is lower and lower-middle class, Lenmore is lower-middle class with some flat middle-class homes and a smattering of upper-class, and the apartments I've hit are basically all middle-class.
- The minority communities have been very welcoming, on the whole. I've had a number of very friendly conversations, and really felt like I've been helping people. Bear in mind that although I'm canvassing for Obama, my primary concern personally is that people get out and vote. I think that comes through. I never judge anyone who says they've voted for McCain. My take away from my interactions with nonwhites has been overwhelmingly positive.
- The only hostile reactions I've received have been from lower-middle-class whites. Cussed twice, and threatened by one who wanted to set his shepherd on me. Cracker-ass cracker. People like him are one of the reasons I sincerely hope Obama wins. Just to rub his nose in it. In both of the hostile instances, the response came not from the person named on my canvass list, but from someone who I took to be a parent. Dear parents: With attitudes like that, I hope your kids rebel and do something you consider stupid. Like voting for Barack.
- A few words of advice, should you be accosted by a canvasser. Be nice. These folks are volunteers, and most of us are perfectly nice, normal people. Civility is the order of the day on both sides. Don't be an asshole.
Canvassing adventures
I've been out canvassing for the Obama campaign for the last two days. A couple of hundred doors in all, maybe a little more. Some random observations: