On the 10th, a line of storms blew through the area, dousing us with rain and -- in some cases -- hail. That was enough to knock much of the pollen off the trees, out of the air, and so on. On Monday, the wind came along behind scouring the air again, and giving the tree outside my office a blow-dry. If you click through for the large image, you can tell that the giant pecan behind the bank is leaning even further...the wind at 30ft off the ground was nearly constant.
A tree blows in Davidson
On the 10th, a line of storms blew through the area, dousing us with rain and -- in some cases -- hail. That was enough to knock much of the pollen off the trees, out of the air, and so on. On Monday, the wind came along behind scouring the air again, and giving the tree outside my office a blow-dry. If you click through for the large image, you can tell that the giant pecan behind the bank is leaning even further...the wind at 30ft off the ground was nearly constant.